a place to share cool links
internet stuff
32bit.cafe - a neat community that discusses all things having to do with website building, indie webs, and slow internet. the website a work in progress, but the discourse forum is active!
w3schools - great resource for learning code
ivan papiol's reclaiming online social spaces - a manifesto on creating a more meaningful, curated online space, free from the clutches of capitalism
background eraser - this is the app i use to make my transparents. i believe its on mobile only.
- some sites for finding these cute little bao looking things and other little gifs
ditherit.com - dither tool! compresses ur images to save on precious space. also makes them look really cool
ezgif.com - compress gifts, make gifs, and more
Intro to the Web Revival #1: What is the Web Revival? - neat article that puts into words what i was feeling when i made this website
microsoft93 - neat website
astronaut.io - random low view-count youtube vids
art and art history stuff
ubu.com - free online library for avant-garde art. no longer being updated
adaweb.com - take a look
monoskop - online wiki for art history. tons of cool links and even free pdfs. they have a section for the internet that links to some neat websites, like adaweb
artist web pages - X(contains bright, flashing lights), X(contains bright flashing lights)
bibeo games stuff
spriters resource - neat archive of old video game image files
loz: twilight princess wii - old web page for loz: twilight princess on nintendo's website. check out the sites for the gamecube and wii as well.