malcriada online

a place to share cool links - a neat community that discusses all things having to do with website building, indie webs, and slow internet. the website a work in progress, but the discourse forum is active!

w3schools - my beloved. she is everything. great resource for learning code

- a free bit drawing app!! u can also do animations and transparents. the interface can be a bit overwhelming at first (saying this as someone who has little expderience with drawing apps), but u get the hang of it soon enough!

coolors - i got my current color palette on here. there's some paywalled content, but most features are free

ivan papiol's reclaiming online social spaces - a manifesto on creating a more meaningful, curated online space, free from the clutches of capitalism

background eraser - this is the app i use to make my transparents. i believe its on mobile only. no worries, its super intuitive!